Side-loading into NetTracks

NetTracks will play other vendors’ backing tracks as well!

The audio player in NetTracks simply plays any audio file in any of the common computer formats (.MP3s, .WAV and many others). So as long as you have access to your tracks in one of these formats, you should be able to side-load them into NetTracks.

Under, “My Tracks“, use the blue ‘+’ button to create a new track and complete the details. You can select the audio file either (i) from iTunes or (ii) from Anywhere. With ‘from iTunes‘, the audio file is not copied to the NetTracks app; with ‘from Anywhere‘, it is. With iTunes, a lot of the fields will be automatically completed for you.

All the fields may be completed as you wish. The Arrangement and Rhythm fields however do affect the player, so you may want to adopt the style used in any of the Alive Drumming Song Rhythm Tracks, within the app.

The player, in the Mac and in iOS 16 and above, uses the size of the form in bars and the number of repeats to decide where to draw the lines of the progress line. With iOS 15, these lines are not drawn.

So with an arrangement like the one above, the player will know to split the progress line into 2 even pieces, for the two repeats, with only a small amount (1/8th) of that space for the 4-bar introduction. The count-off, is always anticipated to be 2-bars long, and a drummer’s ending, similarly, is always anticipated to be two bars long.

The progress bar above shows this with all four parts in proportion. If you do not care for these marker lines on the progress bar, you do not have to complete the arrangement section, but we believe it is always useful to know the arrangement before beginning to play along to a backing track.

Adding images to tracks

You can add an image to the track from your iOS ‘Photos’ app or from any accessible directory on your Mac. If iTunes has an image associated with the track, it will be carried over to NetTracks.

Adding Tracks in Bulk

If you have libraries of backing tracks to load into NetTracks, you will want to do this, as quickly, efficiently and accurately as possible. Bulk loading will help.